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About me

I love art, craft, and design in all of its shapes and forms. A wonderfully crafted and carved walking stick is as interesting to me as a wonderfully designed logo or beautifully rendered illustration. I see the artistry in all of it and appreciate the artist and designer as the creator.


Before owning my own design and illustration agency, I had the pleasure to work at various ad agencies, design firms, art departments and as a staff designer for a fortune 500 company and created some wonderful projects and worked with some great people. I wish I had kept more samples of my graphic design and advertising work. However the nature of so many of my projects were one and done. One event, one campaign, one mailing and then poof it disappears. I was able to keep or find a few, but know that I have done so much more than what is on this site! Ah well, I am trying to be better about keeping samples and files of my work now.


So about me, well I knew I wanted to be an artist or designer for as long as I can remember. I even have quite a few of my student work  from Northern Illinois University where I earned my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design and illustration, on this siteI loved studying the applied arts and combining art with function and the challenges that it brings. I also enjoy the problem solving of design and illustration too. What is the goal, who is the audience, what is the message? All those questions are in my mind as I work on a project. Contact me for your design and illustration needs.

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